Discoloration Of Skin And Hyper Pigmentation Treatment At Home

Skin Discoloration Causes

One of the most common ailments faced by people over the world is that of skin discoloration or hyper pigmentation. A large number of people are extremely embarrassed by the occurrence of darkened patches of skin over various sections of the body. However, there are many factors that cause a skin disorder of this kind. Exposure of the skin to the ultra violet rays of the sun is the most common cause for hyper pigmentation, due to the body’s excessive content of melanin. Melanin that is present in the body in quantities that are excessive to those that are required causes a darkened patch on the skin. Hyper pigmentation is not a disorder that is life threatening, and there are methods that can help to restrain the spread of the discoloration of the skin.

Parts of the body, such as the face and the hands are more exposed to the sun and are therefore prone to hyper pigmentation. The melanin in the body absorbs the ultra violet rays of the sun, protecting the skin from intense damage. Hormonal changes that take place during pregnancy are also responsible for the increase in melanin levels in the body. If a hyper pigmented body is further exposed to the sun, it will result in a darker skin tone or a tan.

Skin Discoloration Treatment

Although there are a number of recommendations made to control hyper pigmentation, the most important recommendation made is to stay out of the sun, thereby avoiding exposure of the skin to the ultraviolet rays that are emitted by the sun. The use of sunscreen lotions is recommended if there is an absolute necessity to venture outdoors. Using protective clothing is also beneficial in keeping hyper pigmentation under control. The use of Aloe Vera gel has proved to be extremely beneficial in restoring skin color and protecting the skin from further damage. The juice of cucumber and potato is used as a bleaching agent to remove patches of hyper pigmented skin. You can peel almonds and soak them overnight. The next morning, make them into a paste and apply to your skin to restore its color. After treating hyper pigmentation through any method, you must stay indoors and protect the skin from unnecessary exposure to the sun, as it could cause a great deal of damage. Besides this, you are also at risk of undoing the intensive care you have taken of your skin for many months.

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