Stomach Ulcer Diets: Suitable Diet To Prevent And Control Ulcers

What Are Suitable Diets For Ulcers

Ulcers are a common problem that can be very uncomfortable and painful. The most common are stomach ulcers or peptic ulcers, which develop in the stomach and cause severe pain and discomfort. The peptic ulcer is an open sore in the lining of the esophagus, stomach or small intestine that can also lead to a burning sensation in the stomach when it comes in contact with acid produced in the stomach. In addition to abdominal pain, stomach ulcers can also cause heartburn and tend to recur within a few days or become aggravated at night or on an empty stomach. Stomach ulcers should however, be treated immediately as they may lead to potentially worse problems. Most often, a bacterial infection in the stomach leads to the formation of ulcers and factors like high stress levels and improper eating habits contribute to the aggravation of stomach ulcers. You should visit your doctor immediately if your ulcers are accompanied by symptoms like blood in your stools, excessive and drastic weight loss, vomiting blood, constant nausea and a lack of appetite.

There are certain dietary changes you should incorporate if you are suffering from stomach ulcers. Ensure that you snack regularly, through the day but make sure your portions are small in size. This is to ensure that you don’t experience long periods of hunger, and also to ensure that you avoid eating excessively. Chew your food properly and eat your meal slowly to aid digestion. Do not lie down immediately after a meal. Ensure that you are sitting up while eating a meal and you stay up for at least an hour after a meal to avoid stomach ulcers. Make sure that you eat at least three hours before going to bed as this is the most effective way to aid digestion. Eating very late causes the secretion of acid in the stomach which will lead to burning and abdominal pain. Avoid consuming tea and coffee as well as the juice of citrus fruits as these may lead to stomach discomfort when you are suffering from stomach ulcers.

Increase your intake of foods that have a high fiber content and those that are rich in antioxidants. Avoid foods that are rich in sugar and processed foods, and those that are high in fat content. Increase your intake of foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are found in foods like fish, legumes, flax seeds, cereals, walnuts, grains, butter nuts and flax seed oil.

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