Urinary Tract Infection Causes: Natural Cure And Diet For UTI

Causes Of Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infections are common ailments which tend to affect 50% of the world population at some time in their lives or another. The infection is caused by bacteria which enters the tract and then procreates. It usually occurs because of a lack of hygiene, weakening bladder muscles when urine is held in too long, sexual intercourse which pushes the bacteria up the urethra and when the person is in the risk category- either pregnant or suffering from diabetes. Common symptoms of this condition are an urge to urinate constantly, a burning sensation while urinating and blood tinged urine. If it reaches an advanced stage it may affect the kidneys and cause fever, chills, nausea, vomiting and back pain.

Cure And Diet For Urinary Tract Infection

Home remedies for this condition include drinking large amounts of water, as it will help flush out the toxins in your body. Mix half a spoon of baking soda into a tall glass of water and consume this once a day, for a period of 4 days. This helps in restoring the acid balance in the urine. Make an oil by mixing sandalwood, tea tree, juniper, bergamot and frankincense. Rub the oil over the bladder area for a week till the symptoms disappear. Fresh berry juice, especially cranberry is highly beneficial for this condition and you can also add vitamin C as a supplement to your diet. A high protein diet rich in milk, fruits and green leafy vegetables is known to help. You must also take care to avoid processed food such as cheese, chocolate, alcohol, caffeinated drinks, fizzy drinks like beer, soda, spicy food and smoking, till your condition does not improve. Foods such as chicken, steak, tomatoes, oranges, strawberries and pineapple can be avoided till you are completely cured. A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a spoon of honey mixed into eight ounces of water and consumed once a day should help to flush out the infection as well as add the necessary potassium and enzymes to your diet. A hot water bottle placed over the abdomen will provide some relief. Try to wear loose fitting clothes, preferably cotton to allow for the free circulation of air. Tight fitting clothes can aggravate the condition, so make sure to wear loose cotton undergarments, boxers perhaps, around the house and while in bed. If the infection is not treated in its early stages, it may affect the kidneys and hence it would be advisable that visit your doctor at the earliest. A course of antibiotics will be prescribed, while you may continue with these remedies at home.

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