Vakrasana for Spinal Twist

What is Vakrasana?

The word ‘vakra’ means twist, and ‘asana’ refers to a yoga pose. In this yoga pose, the body and spine perform a twist, hence the name. It can also be termed the Seated Spinal Twist.

Step by step sequence:

  • Sit straight on the floor (or a yoga mat), with your legs stretched out in front. Keep the toes erect and together. Keep your hands straight at your sides, and rest the palms on the floor. Your spine should be erect.

  • Bend your left knee and place the heel of that foot by the side of the left thigh. The sole of the foot should rest flat on the floor, while the thigh and knee should touch the chest.

  • Bring your left hand in front of your right hand, with the fingers of both palms facing each other. The palms should remain flat on the floor.

  • Now, breathing smoothly, turn your neck and trunk to your right, and look back over your shoulder. In this process, you will be twisting the spine. Take care to keep the spine erect, with the lower end of the spine and the hips pressed firmly on the floor to give stability.

  • Continue twisting the upper vertebra (neck and shoulders) to the right. As your head turns, look in that direction. (The raised left leg remains close to your chest.)

  • Hold this pose for 2 to 6 minutes, breathing evenly.

  • To release the pose, turn your neck to the front, bring your hands back to normal, straighten the raised leg and come back to a sitting position. Repeat the pose on the other side.

Benefits: The spinal twist pose has many benefits.

  • Spinal twist yoga helps to laterally stretch and loosen the vertebrae. The muscles of the back get tones and strengthened. The elasticity of the spine is increased, along with side-to-side mobility. This helps to eradicate any stiffness of the back, backaches, hip pain, lumbago and many other problems related to the spinal cord.

  • It also strengthens and shapes the shoulder muscles.

  • It squeezes the muscles of the abdomen, thus massaging the organs in that region, like the intestines, spleen and liver. This stimulation ensures better functioning of these organs. It has been effective in curing dyspepsia, flatulence and constipation, and also for diabetic patients, since it activates the pancreas.

  • Because it applies pressure on the abdomen, it helps to reduce abdominal fat and is thus helpful in reducing obesity.

  • It enhances the working of the nervous system.

Contraindications: Perform this pose under the guidance of a yoga expert. Avoid it if you have a slipped disc, sciatica or after the second trimester of your pregnancy.

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