Colon Infection And Treatment: How Do You Get A Colon Infection

What Causes Colon Infection

The colon is the organ in the human body that possesses almost 70% of the body’s immune system and hence it is extremely difficult to develop an infection in it. Yet bacteria can enter the organ through a variety of ways such as kissing your sick child at bed time, drinking contaminated water and consuming undercooked unhygienic food. This condition is usually symptomised by fever, chills, constipation and cramps. Sometimes the patient may develop a fever of 102 or 104 degrees accompanied by severe diarrhoea (5-10 times a day), pain and tenderness along the abdominal region. Since the bacteria are usually found in the faeces that the afflicted person passes out, it is essential to wash the hands with an anti-bacterial soap after visiting the restroom. It would also be advisable to avoid sharing any utensils or towels with the rest of the family as far as possible. Over the counter medication for diarrhoea must be avoided as these medicines do not allow the stool to pass out of the body and cause the already afflicted colon to be exposed to the toxins present in the faecal matter.

Colon Infection Treatment

On the home front, you may consume psyllium or ispaghula as it is otherwise known, as it not only acts as a laxative helping you to empty your bowels, but also flushes out the toxins from your body. Fennel and aloe leaf can also be ingested to provide relief to your colon. A high fiber diet is highly beneficial for this ailment and it would also do good to consume probiotic food items such as sauerkraut, yogurt and kefir. Garlic is another probiotic food item and can be added to your food or had raw, perhaps a clove or two a day. Drink plenty of water so that the body is hydrated and to cleanse the colon as water is capable of flushing out toxins from the body. The extract of grape fruit seeds has been recognized as a popular remedy and will be available in most supermarkets. You can also consume grapes, preferably black, but only after washing them thoroughly and allowing them to soak in a salt water solution for an hour or two. This ensures that the pesticides sprayed on them are likely to be taken care off. You may also fast for a few days and consume large quantities of water, fruit juice or vegetable juice, as this will help the liver and kidneys to flush out the toxins. A severely inflamed colon can prove fatal in the long run hence it is imperative that you consult a physician while continuing with these remedies.

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