Health Care Tips For Winter Season To Keep You Healthy And Fit

Winter Health Care Tips

The winter season brings with it a host of problems ranging from flu, allergies, hypothermia and frostbite, weight gain and many skin problems. You can fight the harsh winter season with the help of these useful winter health tips.
  • Ensure that you watch your weight in the winter. During the winter, eating comfort foods is a difficult temptation to resist. As a result, many people tend to gain weight in the winter. One way to avoid this problem is to ensure that you eat high fiber, nutritious foods rather than processed and fatty foods. Eat high fiber sweet potatoes instead of potatoes that are high in carbohydrates.
  • Ensure that you get an adequate supply of nutrition by eating fruits that are in season. The same rule applies for vegetables that are in season.
  • The winter tends to be particularly harsh on the skin. Ensure that you moisturize your skin adequately everyday, before stepping out into the cold.
  • Wear sun block to protect yourself from the sun, whose UV rays are harmful even in the winter season. Ensure that you use a moisturizing lip balm to prevent chapped lips that are a common occurrence during winter. A lip balm with sun block is particularly effective in the winter.
  • Wash your hands regularly to protect yourself and your family from possible flu viruses that abound in the winter season.
  • Ensure that you drink plenty of water and other fluids during the winter months. The winter tends to be a dry and saps your skin and body of essential moisture. Drinking plenty of fluids helps keep your skin from feeling dry and stretched.
  • Increase your intake of essential fatty acids. This will help maintain the health of your nails, hair and skin by helping them retain moisture. Increase your consumption of seeds and nuts, as they are rich sources of essential fatty acids. Fish and flaxseed are other good sources of essential fatty acids.
  • The winter also brings on seasonal affective disorder that is a serious medical condition that may be caused on account of reduced amounts of daylight in the winter. One of the ways to combat such a problem is to get as much exercise as possible. If the sun comes out, then take a walk outside to get some sunlight and energy. Try working near the window where there is light rather than in bed or in a badly lit place.
  • A lack of sunlight also causes the immune system to suffer and leads to several kinds of disorders. Therefore, ensure that you take steps to boost the strength of your immune system in the winter.
  • Use a humidifier to help control the level of humidity indoors. This will help reduce a feeling of dryness during the winter.
  • The winter may also bring about several kinds of allergies. To unclog blocked sinuses in the winter, try steam inhalation with a few drops of eucalyptus oil in water.
  • Make a concoction that is a mix of Echinacea root (half a teaspoon), marshmallow, ginger (quarter teaspoon) and chamomile flowers (one teaspoon) and two cups of water. Add half a teaspoon of peppermint leaf to this and drink everyday to help treat skin allergies in the winter.
  • Acerola cherry and rose hips are both very effective cures for winter allergies.
  • A paste made of water, lime juice, and poppy seeds, is very effective in curing skin allergies like dry, peeling and itchy skin in the winter season.
  • The juice of the herbs basil, and cassia applied topically to the skin are an effective protection against the harsh winter.

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