How To Reduce Ankle Swelling During Pregnancy

During pregnancy the body tends to go on an overdrive by producing and retaining large amounts of fluid. As the foetus grows, so does the uterus, thus pushing and applying pressure on the veins. This prevents the blood from returning to the heart. This again results in the swelling of the feet and ankles in pregnant women. This swelling is usually gradual and will go away after delivery. If, however, the swelling is sudden and occurs only in one leg, you may want to consult your gynaecologist immediately, as it may be a sign of a variety of serious conditions, in particular preeclampsia which is symptomised by sudden swelling, blurred vision, dizziness, fatigue, headaches and abnormal weight gain.

Some Tips To Reduce Swollen Ankles

Try to lie down as much as possible with your feet elevated above the level of your head. Use a few pillows under your feet for this, and try to lie on your side while sleeping. A cold water or ice compress on the swollen area is known to help, as is a soak in the tub with Epsom salts or a few drops of eucalyptus oil added to it. Wear loose clothes and avoid anklets and bracelets, as they can aggravate the condition. Take short walks, and indulge in light exercises to help the blood flow in an efficient manner. However, take care to avoid overdoing the exercise regimen. It would be beneficial to avoid food high in sodium such as most pork products, as they can cause the swelling to increase. It is essential to drink at least 5-6 litres of water during the day, as this will not only keep your body hydrated, but will also help get rid of the excess fluid. You may also massage your feet and ankles with coconut oil to ease the discomfort, and improve circulation. Instead of coconut, you may also use a mixture of an equal amount of cypress, juniper, and almond oil. Wearing support hose can also be helpful and this you will have to do in the morning when the swelling is at its lowest. Soak your feet in warm water for 15-20 minutes every evening. Cucumber slices placed and wrapped around the swollen area will help as it soothes the area, as well as rids the body of excess fluid. Consume a diet rich in Vitamin E such as almonds, sweet potatoes, sunflower seeds, spinach and wheat germs. If the swelling has already caused skin ulcerations, you may want to consult your doctor over the requisite ointment or lotion, to help with the irritation it causes.

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