Ingrown Toenail Infection : Complications And Home Remedies

Ingrown Toenail Remedies

It might surprise you to know that you are not simply one among a few who suffer from ingrown nails. More than ingrown fingernails, one is exposed to ingrown toenails. This would be one of the commonest complaints when it comes to foot problems not associated with injury. However, this toenail problem is not so innocuous since it can cause a great deal of pain. To put it simply, an ingrown toenail is what results when your toenail (rather, its sharp edge) pokes into the skin. This could occur right at the end of one’s toe or the side of it. Usually one of the first symptoms of this problem would be inflammation which comes along with pain. It is hard to ignore this toenail problem since the pain associated with the condition is unlikely to go unnoticed. This is clearly associated with the point where the ingrown or curled toenail penetrates one’s toe skin. An ingrown nail infection is more serious, and is the inevitable result if one tries to simply wish away the problem. A more serious consequence of not attending to this ingrown toenail would be the problem of an abscess. When the toenail infection progresses to this late a stage, the surgical option might be the only one left. This is why infections and general skin and health problems are best dealt with in the initial stages. If you get to work and get help dealing with that ingrown toenail, it can thus prevent a lot more serious foot problems. An interesting fact to note about ingrown toenails is that, despite the lifestyle of children; infants and children typically do not face this foot problem. This nail problem however, as mentioned before, is known to occur with adults rather frequently. Furthermore, one’s big toe is most likely to be affected.

Once infection has set in the toe, it is a doctor who has to be consulted. This is imperative to prevent the infection from spreading, and to keep abscesses at bay. One should be able to identify infection from light and red colored skin, and possible drainage. Other signs include progress in the degree of pain as well as inflammation of the toe or the development of a fever. General home treatments that would work in case of a regular ingrown toenail include soaks with the ever useful Epsom salts and certain antibacterial soaks. Some steps that help include - comfortable shoes, and a straight trim when one attempts to cut their nails.

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