Kukkutasana – Arm Balance Yoga Pose

What is Kukkutasana?

In Sanskrit the word ‘kukkut’ means cock, and ‘asana’ refers to a yoga pose. Therefore Kukkutasana literally translates to ‘Cock Yoga Pose’. It is so named because when the pose is performed, the body of the performer resembles the stance of a rooster. Kukkutasana is one of the advanced yoga poses and is one of the arm balancing yoga poses, requiring you to balance and bear the weight of your body on your arms.

Step by step procedure:

  • Sit on the floor in Lotus Yoga Pose (Padmasana). This means that you sit with your spine and head erect, with your legs bent at the knee in such a way that your left foot is placed on the right thigh, while your right foot is placed on the left thigh.

  • Insert your hands through the folds of your knees (that is, the gap formed between your thighs and calves).

  • Place the palms of your hands firmly on the ground, spreading the fingers wide to resemble the claws of a fowl.

  • Exhale, balance your body on your hands, and slowly lift your body above the level of the ground. Your legs should be almost at the level of your elbows, and the entire weight of your body should be balanced on the palms.

  • Close your eyes and breathe normally. Retain this posture as long as possible. In the initial stages it may be only 5 to 10 seconds. You can gradually increase the duration.

  • To release the pose, come back to Padmasana. Repeat 3 to 4 times.

  • In the first few days, your arms may tremble, but daily practice will strengthen them.


  • The Kukkutasana is very helpful for toning and strengthening the muscles of the shoulders, elbows and wrists.

  • It is also helpful for improving the balance of the body.

  • This pose helps to tone the muscles of the abdominal region and improves the working of the entire digestive tract.

  • It has proved especially beneficial for women by alleviating pain in the hips and other menstrual discomforts.


  • As with all yoga exercises, you must only perform it under the supervision of a yoga expert and after consulting your physician.

  • Do not try to practice this posture if you are obese or overweight.

  • Also avoid this posture if you suffer from any injury or ailment of the arms, elbows, shoulder or wrists.

  • Always ensure that your back is straight while you are performing this pose.

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