Oral Yeast Infection: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Yeast infection also known as candidiasis is caused by the microscopic fungi called yeast. The fungi thrive in moist and warm areas of the body such as the mouth, vaginal areas, under arms, under the breast, the nail bed and underneath other skin folds. In most cases the infection is only superficial and will clear up with treatment, but occasionally it could be the result of an underlying illness such as AIDS, leukaemia or diabetes.

Symptoms Of Oral Yeast Infection

Oral yeast infections are symptomised by slightly raised white or beige spots on the tongue, cracks and fissures on the tongue, a white coating on it, and occasional bleeding. Some people feel a mild burning sensation in the mouth and this condition is usually accompanied by bad breath. The bacteria causing this condition is usually kept in check by the beneficial bacteria in the mouth, but sometimes these have been depleted by a weak immune system, poor diet, antibiotics, steroid intake or even undue stress. Other causes include smoking, acute alcoholism, the use of inhalers, badly fitted dentures and lack of oral hygiene. Lozenges, pastilles and liquid swish, and swallow suspensions are usually prescribed for this condition, but must be consumed under medical supervision as they only help to clear out the local symptoms and do not attack the root cause. In addition, these remedies are drug based and in time the bacteria become immune to them. Home remedies for this condition include the consumption of unflavoured yogurt, apple cider vinegar and a few cloves of garlic either consumed in food or raw with every meal. Yogurt is the most popular and easily available remedy as it is a probiotic, containing friendly bacteria which will supplement the diminished ones in the oral cavity. Two glasses of buttermilk consumed daily is also likely to help battle the infection. Rose honey is another remedy that is available in most supermarkets, but you can make this at home as well. Pick rose petal to fill a quart jar and pack it lightly. Take a small bottle of honey and pour over it. Close the jar tightly and over the next few days overturn the jar every time you pass by it for the honey and the petals to mix well. Use a cotton swab to dab the mixture onto your tongue every time you spot the appearance of thrush. Consume a diet rich in fibre including whole grains and supplement it with green leafy vegetables and fruit. Avoid alcohol, sugary food, and junk food and if you wear dentures, make sure to leave them out for at least 8 hours in a day and disinfect them before putting them back into your mouth.

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