Skin Care Tips For Winter: How To Take Care Of Dry Skin

Winter season brings with the cold, a different set of problems for not only one’s health but also one’s skin condition. The number one skin problem which everyone associates with winter would be dry skin. While a number of people have to combat dry skin no matter what the weather is like, dry skin is chiefly most prominent when winter comes along. While hiding one’s dry skin under layers of clothing is a temporary measure, dry skin would require special treatment to bring it back to normal. Almost everyone has a skin care routine that one tends to follow some of the time, if not on a regular basis. What people do not really realize is that winter would require a special routine, with extra emphasis on keeping dry skin at bay.

Winter Skin Tips

One of the first places to look when reexamining one’s winter season skin care regime would be the type of products used. The dry, cold weather would necessitate greater moisture for one’s skin. This would mean choosing moisturizers that are specially formulated for use when winter comes or those that are meant to be potent. One of the most popular and effective moisturizer would be simple petroleum jelly. Beauty product companies are constantly developing newer and allegedly better, more improved products to combat skin dryness, especially during winter. Petroleum jelly on the other hand is an often overlooked product which is extremely useful when dealing with skin cases that are extremely dry. This is not just for use when winter comes around. This can be used as moisturizer when one’s skin is dry in any weather. Since the timing is important, application should typically be once one has finished bathing. It usually works best to apply any kind of moisturizer while the skin still feels slightly damp, immediately after one’s shower or bath. There should be a second application of moisturizer just before the individual decides to go to sleep. Aloe vera is another winter care option, since the gel works great for dry skin.

People should not forget that during winter time the body could do with an extra amount of water, to keep the skin healthy. Constantly drinking water can help the body when it gets colder, since the skin is naturally prone to drying up thanks to the weather.  While hot baths feel especially great when winter comes along, this is a major factor contributing to the problem of skin dryness; therefore, quick, warm showers would be a much smarter option.

See Also:
Winter Skin Care Tips: How To Save Skin Moisturizing During Winter

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