Treating Sunburn Blisters And Rejuvenate Skin With Herbal Remedies

Sunburn is usually caused due to over exposure to the sun, lying underneath tanning lamps, outdoor activities in the hot sun, a reaction to excessive intake of birth control pills, and sometimes an allergy to the antibacterial component in soap. Sunburn occurs when adequate protection has not been taken to protect the body from the harmful UV rays of the sun, and the skin is no longer able to produce enough melanin to protect it. The symptoms of sunburns are a stinging sensation with tender swollen skin accompanied by a reddish tinge. The skin will peel off in time once the skin below has formed and rejuvenated itself and the person may experience a mild fever. The blistering can either be mild or as severe as having rather large blisters filled with water with tender raw skin underneath. These blisters are filled with plasma, a clear liquid, also known as serum. If infected, there are chances of it containing blood or even pus.

Herbal Remedies For Blisters

If the blistering is mild, use a cold water compress with equal amounts milk in it to all affected areas. Aloe Vera gel if applied topically will probably speed up the healing process. Its laxative component and antiseptic properties are known to soothe first and second degree burns. First splash your skin with cold water and once it is clean, take an Aloe Vera leaf and open it in half. The transparent component that you find can be applied to the blisters. Keep it on the skin for a while and then rinse again with cold water. Also make sure that the area around the blisters is clean as the chances of infection are extremely high. Most sun burn blisters heal over time and you may apply lotions with Vitamin A, C or E in them to ease the discomfort. If the blistering is very severe, and blood or pus seeps out, consult a doctor immediately. There are, however, a few preventive measures that you may take to avoid the blisters in future. Use a sunscreen lotion with an SPF above 30 on all exposed areas of your skin, both when outside and within the house. This is because the suns rays can penetrate the house and affect you as well. Wear lose clothing preferably full sleeved to protect as much skin as possible from the sun, although this may be a problem in summer. Drink plenty of water, at least 5-6 litres to keep your body hydrated.

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