Yoga Squat Poses - Squat Exercises

What is a yoga squat?

The yoga squat pose is a deep squat exercise which is especially recommended for those with certain back problems, and also for those with sedentary habits and sedentary jobs. It is sometimes referred to as Malasana or Garland Yoga Pose, since in Sanskrit ‘Mala’ means garland. This yoga squat exercise is a basic pose which is often used as a warming up posture for more difficult yoga poses. It can be practiced by all, and proves particularly beneficial if done regularly.

Step by step procedure:

  • First start in the Mountain Yoga Pose (Tadasana). This means that you should stand straight with your feet placed apart, slightly more than the width of your hips. The toes should point forward.

  • Bring your hands together and join them in the prayer position.

  • Inhale deeply. Now gradually lower your body from the hips, and come down slowly until you can feel your thighs stretching. In this yoga squatting pose your thighs need to be lower than the knees, and not parallel to the floor like in many other squat exercises.

  • Make sure that your back is held straight. You will feel the muscles in your groin and inner thighs opening up.

  • Press your palms firmly together. You will feel a stretch in the center of your chest, while at the same time you will feel the muscles of your neck and shoulders relaxing.

  • Keep your thighs and legs firm, and do not waver. Your lower back should feel comfortable. Initially, you may not be able to hold the pose for very long (maybe for just a few seconds). Gradually you will be able to increase this time to 30 seconds and then to 60 seconds or more.

  • To release the pose, exhale, straighten your legs and spine, and return to the starting pose (Mountain Yoga Pose)

Benefits:  This yoga exercise has many benefits and is considered an excellent way to relax your entire body.

  • It helps in stretching the feet and ankles, thus relaxing the body.

  • It opens up the inner thighs, groin and hips, increasing blood circulation in these regions and improving their function.

  • It also increases blood circulation in the internal organs of the abdominal region and improves their function.

  • It is particularly beneficial for stretching the spine and thus relieving tension and pain in the lower back.

  • It stretches the chest muscles and rib cage, along with the shoulders and arms.

  • The pose helps to improve the balance of our body

  • Performing this yoga pose also improves our powers of concentration.

Precautions: You must first consult your doctor before beginning to attempt this pose, and you must do it under the supervision of a yoga expert.

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