Back Muscle Strengthening with Pindasana

Garbha Pindasana is the Womb Embryo Posture and is supposed to be great for losing abdominal fat and for cutting down on total body fat. Pinda is the Sanskrit word for embryo and Garbha is the word for womb. When a person does this pose, then he looks like a baby in its mother’s womb – all curled up and tight. However, there are a few differences in the pose and the posture of a baby. But overall, the posture bears similarity to Pindasana. This yoga posture is a good back strengthening exercise. A complicated pose, it is best done under the guidance of a yoga teacher. However, here is a step by step guide to acquaint you with this posture.

Garbha Pindasana:

  • Sit on a yoga mat with your spine erect and head straight. Bring your legs forward, so that the heels and knees are together. Use your hands to put the right foot on your left thigh, and then the left foot on your right thigh. You must be able to do the Padmasana or Lotus Pose for this.

  • Put your hands through the space between the thighs and calves and bring the arms forward to the elbows.

  • Exhale and lift your thighs off the mat. You have to then bend the arms at the elbows before holding the ears with your hands. Then focus while you balance the weight of your body on the tail bone.

  • Breathe and stay in this position for at least ten seconds or if you wish, till thirty seconds.

Benefits of Garbha Pindasana: Some of the health benefits of this back strengthening exercise are as following –

  • The stomach remains slim and fat-free because of the nature of the posture.

  • This yoga posture is supposed to be good for the digestive system and can cure stomach ailments.

  • This yoga posture can exercise the lower and the upper body.

  • This yoga posture can also improve muscle tone and is good for the spine.

Some of the other yoga exercises for strengthening the back muscles:

  • Cat and Dog: This yoga asana is done by getting onto all fours and arching as well as hollowing the spine.

  • Child Pose: After doing the Cat and Dog pose for some time, you can get into the Child pose, with your head on the mat, placed between the elbows. Do this pose for five minutes and you will feel the stretch in the back.

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