What Is Natural Diuretic: Uses Of Diuretic For Different Diseases

What Is Diuretic?

A diuretic is the name given to any drug or group of drugs that are responsible for raising the urination rate of the body. They basically bring about a forced diuresis and tend to increase the rate of water excretion from the body. Different diuretics work differently and your doctor may prescribe diuretics that are specific to your needs. Ensure that your diuretic prescription is specific to your condition. Generally, diuretics are used in the treatment of several disorders like hypertension, heart failure, kidney disorders, and liver cirrhosis, among others. In these disorders, diuretics perform the function of raising the rate of urine expelled by the body, thereby alleviating symptoms of these disorders. Certain diuretics are also used to increase the alkaline levels of the urine to help excrete poisonous substances or drug overdoses. People suffering from eating disorders sometimes abuse diuretics in their attempts to lose weight drastically. Diuretics must therefore be consumed with care and under the guidance and prescription of a medical practitioner only. Diuretic is derived from the Greek ‘dia’ which means thoroughly and ‘ourein’ which means to urinate. Most diuretic drugs thus serve the common function of making the body expel water and they achieve this through several means. A high ceiling or loop diuretic functions by limiting the kidney’s ability to absorb sodium. Sodium content in the urine thus increases and enhances the secretion or draining of water from the body.

Uses Of Natural Diuretic

Thiazide diuretics help increase the levels of chloride and sodium in the urine and this also increases the excretion of water from the body. Certain diuretics, like potassium sparing diuretics enable a greater excretion of sodium than potassium from the body. In addition to these diuretics, there are several natural diuretics that will help release fluid from the body. Foods like Celery, artichoke and Melon are excellent natural diuretics. Herbs like parsley, Asparagus, Watercress, Juniper berries, and Dandelion are also excellent natural diuretics. Tea and Coffee also possess diuretic properties. You can plan a natural diuretic diet to help increase fluid excretion from the body and to treat symptoms of common disorders like headache and bloating of the stomach.

A diuretic diet plan includes eating small amounts of carbohydrates like rice or bread. Avoid excessively salty or sugary foods. Drink plenty of water and other fluids in the form of herbal teas and fresh fruit juices to maintain a balanced diuretic diet.

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