Cellulitis Treatment On The Leg: Causes And Prevention Of Infection

Cause Of Cellulitis Infection

Cellulitis is an infection that affects the lower layer of the skin and the tissues beneath it. The infection is caused by bacteria and may often occur around wounds on the skin. The infection begins in a small area of the skin and caused swelling and redness. This area then enlarges and other symptoms such as fever and chills may also occur. The lymph nodes around the affected skin may also swell.

This condition can affect any area of the body, although it most commonly develops around the legs, arms, neck and head. In some cases, it may also develop around surgery wounds. Cellulitis begins with symptoms such as redness, pain, swelling and warmth. Wounds or ulcers that display these symptoms may be indicative of the initial signs of cellulitis. Sometimes a condition known as stasis dermatitis which causes redness and scaling around the legs and ankles is mistaken for cellulitis. Individuals with diabetes or conditions that weaken the immune system are more at risk for developing cellulitis. Conditions that decrease circulation of lymphatic fluid and blood in the veins also increase the likelihood of developing cellulitis. The bacteria that most often result in cellulitis are the staphylococcus and streptococcus bacteria. Cellulitis is not a contagious condition since it occurs in the deeper layers of the skin.

Treatment For Cellulitis

Cellulitis requires proper antibiotic treatment and natural remedies mainly focus on prevention of the disease. Since the infection enters through wounds in the skin, all cuts and abrasions must be cleaned properly and bandaged. The bandages must be changed regularly to prevent infection. If signs of inflammation do occur, it is advisable to consult a doctor at the earliest. Skin wounds must be specially taken care of in the case of those with diabetes. Herbal remedies help to build immunity and maintain good health of the skin. Herbal solutions that involve the use of herbs such as Echinacea may be applied to affected skin or also taken orally. Goldenseal root and calendula also help to reduce inflammation. Keeping the affected area in an elevated position is also known to ease discomfort. The pain and swelling may be alleviated through the use of warm compresses. Gently massages are also believed to reduce inflammation as they improve circulation in the area. The diet must contain foods rich in protein and vitamin C. Protein is useful in the repair of skin tissues, while vitamin C strengthens the immune system and prevents infection.

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