Constipation And Infrequent Bowel Movement Can Cause Back Pain?

Constipation And Back Pain

Constipation normally lasts for a day or two and can be caused by binging on greasy junk food or as a reaction to a new kind of medication or food product. Constipation is usually symptomized by difficulty in passing fecal matter accompanied by pain, limited bowel movement and sometimes back pain as well. Fecal impaction is a probable cause for constipation related back ache and shows up as severe abdominal cramps accompanied by constipation. A blockage may form in a narrow passage in the gastrointestinal tract refusing to allow solid waste to pass beyond the point. The feces that build up cannot be ejected from the body and will exert pressure upon the abdomen as well as the lower back causing pain. The pain may intensify the longer the impaction blocks the fecal matter from being ejected from the body. If bowel movement has stopped for more than three days, the stool can change consistency and become very hard. Every time the individual tries to have a bowel movement, the strain on the muscles can affect the nerves causing severe back pain.

If the condition persists for a long period of time and is accompanied by symptoms like blood in the stool, severe abdominal pain, diarrhea and constipation that alternates, thin longish stools, pain in the rectal area and unexplained loss of weight, it would be advisable to consult your local health care provider for a laxative or stool softener as well as for a full check up to cross out the risk of some other underlying disease. On the home front, it would help to drink 5-6 liters of water and include high fiber food products in your diet. The water will help dissolve the food and may soften the stool to some extent making it easier to pass out of the body. Take about 12 seedless dry grapes and add to a glass of milk. Boil the milk and remove the grapes from it. Drink the milk separately and chew on the grapes to help clear up the constipation and to prevent it in future. Extract the juice from a raw cabbage and drink half a cup of it twice a day. Take two tablespoons of blackstrap molasses and add to prune juice, fruit juice or even milk. Consume once a day before going to bed for best results. Take a few linseeds and swallow them with water before every meal to prevent constipation.

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