How To Reduce Acne Redness With Herbal Home Remedies

Acne refers to a skin rash that usually affects individuals in their teenage and young adult years. It can also occur in other age groups as well. Acne develops mainly in those areas of the body that produce more oil such as the face, back and chest. This condition, although not serious, can have an adverse effect on an individual’s self esteem and confidence, due to its disfiguring nature.

Causes Of Red Acne Scars

When the oil glands of the body begin to produce an excessive amount of oil, acne may result. Hormonal fluctuations, during puberty or times of stress lead to stimulation of the oil glands, and as such acne is most likely to result during these times. Acne may also develop when the pores of the skin become clogged. Overproduction of oil can lead to blockage of the pores. Dead skin cells usually combine with the excess oil and clog the pores. Bacteria which are normally present on the skin may act upon the oil and dead skin cells and produce certain chemicals that cause inflammation and irritation. Such inflammation results in swelling and redness. Acne can occur in the form of blackheads, whiteheads, pustules and cysts. Blackheads get their darkened appearance when they become exposed to the atmosphere. Whiteheads usually result in red inflamed pimples. Pustules develop due to the rupturing of the blocked follicles and they become infected when bacteria act upon the clogged debris. Cysts are larger areas of inflammation caused by a more widespread infection.

Red Acne Scars Remedies

An effective home remedy for treating acne redness is application of oatmeal. Add half a cup of whole oatmeal to a cup of hot water and allow it to sit. Once it cools, apply the oatmeal to affected areas and leave it on for ten minutes. This is also a gentle treatment and hence can be used on a daily basis to get rid of the redness caused by acne.  You may also apply some mint juice over the red areas and allow it stay on overnight. A mixture of Margosa leaves and turmeric powder also works well in alleviating acne redness. You can also add salt to vinegar and apply to affected areas. Acne may even be treated using the juice extracted from radish leaves. Potato is another effective agent against acne redness. Apply grated potato to the affected areas. A soothing treatment for acne redness is the application of a mixture of lime juice and rose water.

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