Staph Infection Treatment: How To Deal With Staph Infection Boils

Staphylococcus, or more commonly referred to as Staph, is a bacterium that causes a very wide range of illness as it can infect many different tissues in the human body. Diseases stemming from Staph range from very mild infections which do not require professional medical attention to potentially fatal infections. The most common type is Staphylococcus aureus. It should be noted that more often than not, Staph itself does not cause the illness. It is usually skin injuries that can let the bacteria break down defense mechanisms of the body and finally, lead to an infection.

While Staph infections can happen to anyone, the groups at highest risk of Staph infections are newborns, people with diabetes, people with skin lesions and injuries, and people with weak immune systems. Staph can cause a lot of other diseases including styes, carbuncles, impetigo, septic arthritis, septicemia, gastroenteritis, and scalded skin syndrome.

Staph Infection Symptoms

The most common symptom of Staph is a boil that is also known as a furuncle. The furuncle is formed when pus collects under the skin when the hair follicle is infected. What typically happens is that the boil becomes larger and larger until it bursts on its own. If the boil does not burst on its own after about ten days, you should seek medical help. While suffering from these boils, it is possible that you may also suffer from a fever or you may also get the chills. A carbuncle is a small collection of boils and this does not heal as quickly as a furuncle. You must be very careful with carbuncles because these can lead to very serious infections such as blood poisoning. If you notice a red line across the boil, you should immediately seek medical attention because this may be an indication of the infection having penetrated the lymphatic system.

Treatment For Staph Infection

One of the simplest ways to treat a boil is to apply a hot compress on it. Heat a tea towel or a soft cloth over an empty vessel such as a frying pan on the stove and then apply it to the infected area. This will help reduce the pain that you might be feeling. A hot compress will also help to increase the blood circulation to the infected area. The boil will eventually turn into a head and will burst on its own. Once this has occurred, you must wash the area carefully and apply an antiseptic on it. You should maintain personal hygiene and ensure that you keep the wound clean. In order to avoid Staph infections, ensure that you don’t share personal items such as razors, towels, and clothes.

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