Yoga Poses for Pregnant | Pregnancy Yoga

Pregnant women need to take a lot of care of themselves. A healthy weight gain is imperative in maintaining the health of the pregnant woman and the baby. The practice of yoga can not only help strengthen the core of the body of the woman, but can also improve the strength and flexibility of the muscles.

Pregnancy Yoga

There are many side-effects of pregnancy like mood swings, depression, cramps, and aches. These can be effectively countered by practicing yoga regularly. Yoga for pregnant women allows the woman to be able to carry the extra weight of the unborn child. Some of the breathing techniques of yoga allow the woman to increase her lung capacity, improving the blood circulation in the body and therefore, the amount of oxygen that is available to the different organs.

As an exercise for pregnant women, yoga is perfect. It does not stress the woman and allows her to practice some of the simpler poses that strengthen the muscles and allow the cervix to open up. Some of these pregnancy yoga poses can prepare the woman well for her labor. However, before starting on any of the yoga poses, it is important to talk to your doctor first. Your doctor may issue you special advice according to the stage of pregnancy that you are at. If there are any complications in your pregnancy, your doctor may ask you to completely avoid yoga.

Still, yoga in pregnancy makes for excellent physical exercise. Pregnancy yoga poses are specially devised to be gentle on you. They help improve the strength of the pelvic floor because there is an increasing pressure on the pelvis due to the enlarged uterus. You may even be able to cure back aches caused due to the extra weight on your uterus. If you experience sciatica pain during your pregnancy, pregnancy yoga exercises may even help provide relief from that.

A workout for pregnant women should essentially be non-demanding. It is recommended that pregnant women should do light exercises and stretching, both of which increase strength and flexibility, without physically taxing the mother too much.

Exercises for pregnancy should be light. When practicing yoga during pregnancy, make sure that you avoid poses that require excessive twisting. Avoid inverted poses and poses that require you to lie down on your stomach or flat on your back. Simple poses, meditative poses, relaxation poses, and pranayama should work best for you when you are pregnant. If you want to include some other workouts, give a preference to walking and strolling around your neighborhood over any strenuous physical exercises.

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