Benefits Of Strawberries : Natural Properties Of Strawberry For Health

Health Benefits Of Strawberries

Strawberries are extremely rich in Vitamin C apart from containing high levels of phytonutrients as well as antioxidants which are capable of fighting free radicals. Free radicals are responsible for the damage caused to cells and are even believed to cause certain kinds of cancer. Strawberries are also rich in manganese, vitamin K, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, folic acid, magnesium, copper and omega-3 fatty acids.

Most problems related to the eyes are the deficiency of certain vital nutrients and the presence of free radicals. As one advances in age and is not careful about meeting one’s daily quota of nutrient intake, these radicals affect the eyes adversely causing them to dry up, lead to the degeneration of the optical nerves, macular degeneration, defects in vision, as well as making them prone to infections of the eye. The flavonoids, elagic acid, phenolics phytiochemicals present in strawberries prevent this to some extent. The berry is also capable of maintaining the right amount of pressure in the eyes because of the amount of potassium they contain. Several red coloured berries including strawberries contain elagic acid which prevents cancer cells from destroying the P53 gene and it is also known to bind with cancer causing molecules, by making them inactive. Strawberries work against anti-neurodegenerative diseases and reduce the effects and onset of Alzheimer’s. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties and are believed to be able to be able to affect the blood vessels, platelets and lipoproteins positively, thus reducing the risk of coronary heart disease. Recent research also proves that strawberries have a low glycemic index of 40.

The salicylic acid present in strawberries are capable of getting rid of dead cells as also shrinking the pores on the face making it shiny and bright. It repairs damaged skin and counteracts the ageing process to some extent. Experts believe that it strengthens the immunity of the skin and provides a soothing effect when the skin is affected by allergies. Strawberries can be cut in half and then rubbed onto the teeth and gums to remove tartar and strengthening both gums and teeth. Leave the juice on the teeth and gums as long as possible and then rinse out with warm water. The best way to eat strawberries is raw although they can be consumed in salads, desserts and even as appetizers. Since they can cover a person’s full day requirement of Vitamin C, they can be added to one’s breakfast cereal as well.

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