Skin Tags Remedies: Get Rid Of Skin Tags Without Surgical Procedure

Skin Tags Causes

A skin tag refers to a hanging or protruding benign growth on the skin. These are pieces of flesh colored skin tissue that protrude from the skin from a small stalk. They are benign and harmless, and are not associated with any underlying illness or disease. They usually develop in the areas of the underarms, eyelids, neck and beneath the breasts. Skin tags are believed to develop on those areas of the skin that are subject to friction against clothing or other areas of skin. Initially, skin tags may appear as flat bumps on the skin. Skin tags are a very common occurrence and most individuals are reported to have skin tags at some point. Skin tags are usually acquired and can develop in any individual, mostly during adulthood. They tend to be more common during middle age and they develop increasingly as one ages. Since skin tags occur commonly due to friction of the skin, those who are overweight are more likely to develop them. Skin tags are also known to develop due to hormonal imbalances such as those which occur during pregnancy.

Remedies For Skin Tags

One of the most popular ways of getting rid of skin tags is to apply garlic on them. Cut a small piece of garlic and place it over the area. Place a bandage or strip of gauze over the garlic to secure it in place. This may be applied to the skin in the morning and then removed before going to bed at night. This must be repeated for a period of three days only. If it is applied for a longer period of time, the skin could become irritated. After three days, the skin tag should fall off on its own. If there is still a part left, try applying the garlic again after a few days. Another way to remove skin tags is by applying castor oil to them. Prepare a paste of baking soda and castor oil and then apply to the skin tag thrice a day for about two weeks. This should enable the skin tag to fall naturally. The skin may also be directly cut from the skin. This could prove to be painful and must only be done after proper sterilization so that infection is prevented. First apply ice to the area for about ten minutes. This will serve to numb the skin. Then using, a scalpel or a pair of scissors cut the skin tag. The instrument should first be sanitized with hydrogen peroxide or some rubbing alcohol. Cut the skin tag carefully and quickly and then hold a wet cloth over the area to stop the bleeding.

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