Supta Karmasana | Most Difficult & Challenging Yoga

What is the Supta Kurmasana?

This is one of the most difficult and challenging yoga poses. It gets its name for three reasons.

  • Supta’ means ‘sleeping’ and ‘kurma’ refers to a tortoise. This pose can be literally translated to mean the Sleeping Tortoise Pose. It is the next phase of the Tortoise Pose. It is so called because when completed the pose looks like a tortoise with the four limbs stretched out of the body, which is flattened out on the floor.

  • The name Tortoise Pose also has a spiritual symbolism. Since the pose is very difficult, it has to be performed very slowly, just like the movements of a tortoise. This symbolizes the slow and steady development and progress of the self.

  • Since it requires extreme concentration, it is a good step to mediation, which requires withdrawing of the senses inside ourselves. Just like a tortoise withdraws into its shell, this pose too symbolizes withdrawing our senses in concentration and getting ready for meditation and self-enlightenment.

Step by step: You may need props such as a strap or a block, and also an assistant to help you with this difficult yoga pose

  • Sit on the floor with your legs spread apart. Press the heels onto the floor, keeping the knee-caps facing the ceiling, while the feet remain flat on the floor.

  • Exhale and bend forward, bringing your shoulders forward. Now slide both arms under each respective leg, keeping the palms facing downward, and extending your hands gradually towards your hips. You can do this by walking your hands on the floor, or using a strap, or asking an assistant to help you stretch to your maximum.

  • Keep your chest as close as possible to the floor, and breathe in and out normally.

  • Now, keep on extending your hands until you can clasp your feet. Open out the feet so that the soles are facing the ceiling.

  • Lift your chest, and exerting pressure from your hip joints, move one leg on the floor, bringing it forward, and over the shoulder, until the ankle is placed behind the neck. Repeat with the other leg. Now both your feet will be crossed behind your head.

  • Remain in this position for 8 to 10 seconds.

Precaution: You must do this very slowly, with an assistant help you to move your legs.


  • With the entire spine being stretched to its utmost, this is a very good back muscle strengthening exercise.

  • The hip joints are also stretched and strengthened, increasing circulation in the groins.

  • The organs in the abdominal region get toned and internally massaged.

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