Dry Nasal Passage: Home Remedies To Alleviate Extremely Dry Nose

A dry nose results when there is inadequate moisture in the nasal passage. Dryness in the nasal passage can lead to itching, wheezing and other breathing difficulties. Moisture is naturally present in the nasal passage so that mucus may be produced. The mucus helps to trap various microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria from entering the airways. Other foreign particles and allergens are also caught in the mucus and are thus prevented from entering the respiratory tract. However in certain cases, the nasal passage may lack moisture and a dry nose results.

Use of certain medications such as nasal sprays and anti-allergy medicines can result in dryness of the nose. Weather conditions can also affect the state of the nasal passage and dry or hot climates usually cause dryness due to inadequate humidity in the air.

Remedies For Dry Nasal Passage

There are some remedies that will help to alleviate dryness of the nasal passage. Chicken soup is known to be very beneficial in treating a dry nose. Chicken soup is full of important nutrients and also helps to add warmth to the nasal passage. Selenium is also contained in chicken soup which is essential for proper functioning of the immune system. Another remedy for treating a dry nose is the administration of a saline solution. Add a pinch of salt to a glass of slightly warm water. Using a medicine dropper add a few drops into one nostril, while holding the other nostril closed. This can be done twice or thrice a day to provide lubrication to the nose. However when adding more drops of the solution to the nose ensure that the previously added solution is drained out thoroughly. Moisture can also be added to the nasal passage through a sauna or steam bath. These increase the humidity levels, thereby alleviating dryness of the nose and also easing chest congestion. The hydration of the body may also be improved by consuming plenty of water and other fluids such as fruit juices. This will help to keep the tissues of the body hydrated. Dryness of the nasal passage may even be alleviated by applying a small amount of petroleum jelly to the insides of the nostrils. Instead of petroleum jelly, one may also use sesame oil. This helps to lubricate the nose and reduce the discomfort caused by dryness. In case cracks or fissures develop in the insides of the nose or bleeding begins to occur, it is important to consult a doctor immediately.

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