Infant Nasal Congestion: Home Remedies For Baby Nasal Congestion

How To Relief Infant Of Nasal Congestion

Nasal congestion is a very common occurrence in babies below the age of six months. When the mucus in the nasal passage becomes obstructed it leads to a stuffy nose. This is different from a runny nose which occurs due to irritation of the nasal membranes. Mucus is produced in the nose in order to keep the air that enters the lungs moist. This is done so that the air does not dry out the lungs. Mucus production is also triggered when there is irritation to the nose such as that from cigarette smoke, perfume, dust and smoke from wood or coal. Inhaling too vigorously can also irritate the nasal membranes and lead to mucus production. When the thickened secretion cannot be removed by the child on his own the mucus becomes clogged and blocks the airways, causing congestion. This condition is not infectious and as such can’t be spread to others. Some infants may have small nasal passages because of which the congestion may occur. Other babies may be vulnerable to developing allergic reactions to common irritants, resulting in congestion of the nose.

In case of nasal congestion in babies, it is important to first remove the irritant that is triggering the condition. Running a vaporizer in the infant’s room also helps to relieve nose congestion. Nasal mucus can also be loosened by administering saline nose drops. Saline drops are available over the counter for this purpose. You can also prepare your own drops by adding a quarter of a teaspoon of salt to a cup of water. One or two drops can then be added to each nostril. Allow the solution to remain in the nose for a minute, while massaging the sides of the nose. The solution must be administered into only one nostril at a time as infants are unable to breathe through their mouths until about 4 – 6 months of age.

You can also ease the baby’s nasal congestion through steam. You can run a hot shower and allow the baby to inhale the vapors arising from the hot water for about ten minutes. This can be done twice daily as a natural way to decongest the child’s nose. Cold medicines and decongestants must not be used in case of babies as these can prove to be too strong for infants. Elevating the child’s crib will help to prevent post-nasal drip from occurring and will enable the infant to sleep better.

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