Irregular Periods Causes: What Are Common Reasons For Delayed Periods

What Causes Irregular Periods

It is quite common for a period to be delayed and it may be caused by a number of factors. While the most common assumption behind a missed or delayed period is pregnancy, it may not always be the case. Generally, a normal menstrual cycle is at least 28 days and the monthly period may be early or late by about seven days. If your period is consistently delayed or irregular, then you should visit your gynecologist immediately as this may be indicative of several problems. There are several reasons by your period may be delayed or irregular. Firstly, very high stress levels are one of the most common reasons for a delayed period. High stress levels may disturb hormonal balances in the body, leading to a lack of ovulation that may result in a delayed or missed period. In addition, several kinds of illnesses may lead to a delayed period. However, such a condition is temporary and your cycle will return to normal once the illness has been cured. If your work hours result in significant changes in your body clock, it may result in irregular or delayed periods. For instance, if you suddenly start working nights, rather than days, then this may disturb your body clock and consequently lead to a delayed period. Certain kinds of medication may affect your menstrual cycle. Consult your doctor about the side effects of any medication that you have been prescribed. Certain types of oral contraceptives may also lead to a hormonal imbalance and consequently, a delayed period. One of the other major factors that may influence your menstrual cycle is being overweight. Excessive weight gain can interfere with your menstrual cycle by causing hormonal imbalance. It is essential to control your weight to help prevent irregularities in your menstrual cycle. Similarly, being underweight can also cause delayed periods. Such a condition is termed amenorrhea and it may result in extreme irregularities in your monthly cycle.

Before worrying about a late period, it is essential to keep in mind your specific cycle. While the average cycle may be 27 or 28 days, it tends to vary from one woman to another. It is therefore essential to keep your specific cycle in mind before worrying about a late period. Generally, your period occurs about two weeks after you ovulate and this may be a more accurate way of tracking whether or not it is late.

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