Receding Gums Treatment: Home Remedies For Gingival Recession

What Causes Receding Gums

Receding gums or gingival recession is a condition when the gum tissue that surrounds the teeth erodes or is pulled away, consequently exposing the roots of the teeth. Receding gums generally affect people above the age of forty and can be very painful and embarrassing. Receding gums are generally characterized by a detachment between the tooth and the gums. In addition, receding gums can lead to a bacterial infection of the roots of the teeth. This is because the roots of the teeth are more vulnerable to infection as compared to the rest of the teeth. The crown of the tooth is covered with a protective, hard layer called the enamel which protects it from decay and infection. The root of the tooth on the other hand, is covered by a material called cementum which is not as hard as enamel and when exposed as a result of gum recession, can be easily destroyed. Receding gums should thus be treated immediately as it could lead to more serious conditions if left uncontrolled. For instance, the detachment of the gums from the teeth allows for the formation of a periodontal pocket. This periodontal pocket provides room for plaque, bacteria and food debris to accumulate. This accumulation of bacteria and plaque in the space between the gums and the teeth cannot be removed by brushing and over time it leads to the development of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is caused by the unchecked accumulation of plaque and bacteria in the periodontal cavity and could even lead to tooth and jaw bone loss. Gum recession generally occurs over a period of time as a result of poor oral hygiene, among other factors. Gum recession can be prevented and treated effectively with the help of a good oral hygiene regiment.

Treatments For Receding

Firstly, ensure that your brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day. This will help prevent the accumulation of plaque and bacteria on teeth and gums. Ensure that your visit your dentist regularly to help diagnose possible gum diseases or infections early. A good oral hygiene regiment includes proper brushing techniques. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles to help protect your gums. A toothbrush with hard bristles can easily damage your gums and aggravate symptoms of gum recession. In addition, do not use excessive pressure while brushing. Brushing too hard may also lead to gum damage or trauma and consequently, an infection.

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