Sudden Weight Gain And Causes: How To Control Rapid Weight Growth

Causes Of Sudden Weigh Gain

Weight gains occur when one suddenly shifts to an unhealthy diet or stops exercising regularly. Sedentary jobs can be a major culprit, causing one to put on weight even if consumption patterns remain the same. However, sudden weight gains could be caused by a variety of factors such as prescription medicines for conditions like diabetes, depression, asthma, arthritis and other mood stabilizing medication. If you are under medication and especially consuming corticosteroids or beta-blockers, you may want to consult your doctor and identify the cause and perhaps switch to an alternate prescription. Hypothyroidism which is symptomised by constipation, tiredness, dry flaky skin and severe muscle cramps, can also cause sudden weight gain as it is the thyroid gland which produces the thyroid hormone that is responsible for the metabolic rate of the body. In other words, it determines the rate at which calories are burnt. Conditions like kidney disease and heart failure are known to cause edema, or sudden swelling in the body. Fluid builds up in this case and body weight increases. This kind of fluid retention can also be caused by medication such as anti-inflammatory drugs that have a non-steroidal base. Sometimes people who have quit smoking fill their tobacco cravings by binging on food. It is quite possible to unwittingly take in extra calories as it eases these cravings and one remedy for this is to nibble on carrots and celery sticks instead and to exercise in order to get rid of any extra calories you may have built up. As part of the exercise routine, take care to skip the use of elevators and escalators. Instead, take the stairs at all times and walk instead of going by car whenever possible. It is important to leave a sufficient gap between meal times and bed time, do not sleep on a full stomach. A gap of one or two hours between dinner time and bed time will prevent the accumulation of fat. Acute stress attacks may also cause people to binge on food and this will inevitably lead to sudden weight gains. Cushing’s syndrome can effectively increase one’s weight as it causes a sudden increase in the hormone called cortisol. This leads to an accumulation of fat in certain areas of the body like the abdomen, face and lower back while leaving the hands and legs comparatively slender. Other symptoms include high blood pressure, poor healing ability of the body, general weakness and fatigue, and in women – menstrual irregularities and extensive loss of hair. It would be useful to consult your doctor to diagnose the cause before you begin on any course of treatment.

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