Viral Fever Symptoms : Signs And Home Treatment For Viral Fever

Symptoms And Treatment For Viral Fever

Viral fevers are a common problem that can affect anyone. They usually need to run their course and can only be treated symptomatically. There are several factors that may lead to a viral fever. One of the main factors that leads to a viral fever is a weakened immunity. Very often, when there are drastic changes in the weather, a person’s immunity may be compromised. At such a time, he/she may be prone to becoming infected by a viral fever. In addition, excessive stress and fatigue may also contribute towards lowering one’s immunity. Other factors that compromise immunity include lack of adequate nutrition, smoking and working or living in crowded conditions. A viral fever generally lasts up to three days and then symptoms begin to diminish completely. If, however, you have been suffering from a viral fever for longer or if you have been experiencing viral fevers frequently, then you should contact your health care practitioner immediately as this could be an underlying symptom of a more serious disorder. In addition, you can care for a viral fever at home by altering your diet and with the help of a few natural remedies. A healthy diet is important while caring for a viral fever. This is because the viral fever tends to cause gastro-intestinal problems and weakens the body’s natural immunity. A healthy diet will help restore your immunity and helps keep gastro-intestinal disorders at bay. Firstly, ensure that you drink plenty of fluids to ensure that your body is well hydrated and to help bring your temperature to normal. In addition, you can use a cold compress on your forehead to help bring high body temperature down. Plenty of rest is necessary to recover from a viral fever completely. Avoid eating spicy, oily and fermented or pungent foods. Ensure that you eat meals at regular intervals to help prevent acidity and digestion disorders that accompany a viral fever and a weakened immunity. Ensure that you get an adequate supply of protein and fiber by eating plenty of green, leafy vegetables.

A viral fever may be accompanied by symptoms like a sore and scratchy throat. Gargling with salt water helps calm a sore throat effectively. Alternatively, you can drink a mixture of honey, ginger and warm water to help soothe your throat. In addition, you can use a vaporizer in your home to help relieve symptoms of a viral fever.

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