Appendicitis Treatment With Home Remedies - Causes And Symptoms

The appendix or worm-like appendage is a long, narrow tube that is close ended and attached to a part of the colon. The mucus that is produced within the inner lining of the appendix flows into this part of the colon known as caecum. The appendix also contains lymphatic tissue which is a vital part of the immune system as it is responsible for producing antibodies.

Causes And Home Remedies For Appendicitis

An inflammation of the appendix results in appendicitis and researchers believe that the caecum becomes blocked either when stool enters the appendix or when thick mucus builds up and refuses to flow out. A bacterial infection may then set in causing the inflammation. While this infection is usually confined to the appendix, it can in rare cases spread to the abdomen. If it has not spread, the body may be capable of healing itself and in this case surgery may not be required. This condition is symptomised by a pain that begins in the lower part of the right side of the abdomen. A vague discomfort in the centre of the abdomen may later spread to the lower right side of the abdomen and then become painful. If the pain is accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite, it is important to consult your local health care provider immediately. This is necessary because a ruptured appendix can pose serious health risks. The physician may ask the patient to go in for blood tests and an x-ray to determine the cause and extent of the infection. A laparoscopy is usually performed and if appendicitis is the cause of the pain, it is usually removed immediately. However, if it has become abscessed, the attending physician is likely to put the patient on a dose of antibiotics to reduce the inflammation before the appendix can be removed surgically. There are a few home remedies that are sometimes prescribed for people suffering from this condition, although, they must not be consumed in lieu of visiting one’s physician in case of an attack. Buttermilk is known to help with this condition and it would be advisable to drink a litre over the course of a day for a month or two. A concoction made of 100ml each of cucumber and beetroot juice and 300 ml of carrot juice can be consumed once every morning. A well balanced diet containing fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains and vegetables is essential especially if the patient is under a heavy dosage of antibiotics to clear up the inflammation.

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