Benefits Of Flax Seed And Oil For Your Health And Well Being

Flax seeds are usually available in two varieties namely brown and golden or yellow. They tend to have similar nutritional characteristics and quantities of omega -3 fatty acids. Flax seeds are small seeds that are similar in appearance to sesame seeds found commonly on buns.

Health Benefits Of Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are natures little medical wonders as their benefits range from clearing up of acne resulting in a smooth skin, relief from constipation to burning fat and promoting muscle growth. In fact they are also known to be useful in dealing with arthritis and depression. Flax seeds help curing constipation as they are astringent in nature thus resulting in a laxative like action. Unlike commercial laxatives, flax seeds are not harmful to the system as they are easily absorbed by the body and hence act quickly. Flax seeds are abundant sources of Omega - 3 which is a polyunsaturated fatty acid. Omega – 3 breaks down the cholesterol present in the body while it moves through the digestive tract and even deposits a thin layer which acts as a barrier against reformation of cholesterol. Cholesterol is the primary cause of heart attacks as it blocks the flow of blood on account of clotting. Flax seeds are also used for skin care as the fatty acids present in flax seeds arrest the production of androgens which would otherwise promote the formation of sebum. This sebum when produced in excess tends to block the follicles and cause acne. Flax seeds also help prevent bloating and even hair loss at times. Omega – 3 fats are an excellent nutrient to improve concentration and overall well being of the brain. These also improve our ability to think quickly. On account of its anti – inflammatory properties, flax seeds are also known to help control the occurrence or minimize the pain associated with arthritis. Flax seeds consumption help in calming an individual under stress, increases the overall energy and vitality levels and strengthens the immune system of the body. Besides Omega – 3 acids, flax seeds are also rich in Lignan which is an antioxidant. Lignan is known to help in preventing cancer, mostly breast cancer as the lignan metabolites attach themselves to the estrogen receptors thereby arresting the occurrence of breast cancer stimulated by estrogen.

However flax seeds should not be consumed in excess as this might lead to blockage of the intestine. Excessive flax seeds consumption may also hamper the effectiveness of oral medications.

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