Heat Exhaustion Symptoms – Tips To Handle Heat Attack At Home

Symptoms Of Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion is defined as the condition that takes place when a person either works, plays or exercises in a place that is humid and hot as a result of which the person loses a lot of his or her bodily fluids resulting in their bodies overheating. They tend to lose these fluids through sweating. Some of the symptoms that is commonly associated with this problem of heat exhaustion is excessive sweating by the person, a felling of dizziness or faintness, their skin may become pale and may be most or cool to the touch. It may even be accompanied by some kind of muscle pain and cramps. The person may often times also suffer from a severe head ache and may show signs of weakness and nausea. When checked their rectal temperatures may be very high. They may also have an increased pulse rate. When they exhibit these signs it is essential to give the person some kind of emergency treatment as this condition can prove to be fatal if not tackled.

Home Treatment For Heat Exhaustion

Some of the steps that can be taken at home include immediately moving the person into a place that is away from the sunlight, some place cool and quiet. Next proceed to take off any of the excess clothing the person may be wearing and turn the victim to one side so as to expose their skin to as much air as possible. Next use a fan to try and lower the patient’s body temperature. One can even try spraying the person all over or sponging the person down with cool water. Place some ice packs on the neck, the groin and the armpits to help in cooling the body temperature as this is where the larger blood vessels are normally located. Never put the person in a bath made of ice. This can prove detrimental to their health.

Avoid giving the patient any aspirins or any other medications without the advice from a doctor. Some of these medicines are known to result in certain problems due to the way the patient’s body will respond to the heat exhaustion. Give the patient plenty of fluids to reduce the possibility of dehydration occurring. Give them water, fruit juices and drinks which have electrolytes. They should be given the drinks every hour or so. The patient should not be allowed to move around or do any kind of activity. Total rest is required.

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