Intestinal Yeast Infection – Candida Albicans Intestinal Symptoms

Causes Of Intestinal Yeast Infection

Intestinal yeast infection is caused by a fungus known as candida albicans. This fungus is presently normally in the gastrointestinal tract of all individuals. Candida albicans is the most common type of candida mold and human beings are usually immune to this organism. Candida albicans commonly cause vaginal yeast infections in women. In healthy individuals, the fungus is kept in check by the immune system of the body and also by the good bacteria that is also naturally present in the intestinal tract.

When the level of candida albicans increases due to spread and multiplication of the fungus, the symptoms of an infection begin to occur. These symptoms may vary in intensity and can either be mild or severe. Symptoms include stomach discomfort and irritation. In some cases, due to intake of certain medications the levels of good bacteria may be reduced and this upsets the balance between the fungus and bacteria in the intestinal tract. Individuals who have been taking antibiotics for a long period of time should keep a close check for yeast infections. A weakened immune system can also allow the candida albicans fungus to multiply. Immunity may be compromised either due to illness or intake of medication. Candida infections usually occur in individuals affected with the HIV virus or those who have been undergoing chemotherapy. The lifestyle of an individual also influences a person’s immunity. Stress and poor diet can cause a weakening of the immune system. Diets that are high in sugar content are especially known to increase vulnerability to candida albicans infections. When the level of candida albicans increases, it transforms from a harmless yeast form to a fungal form. The fungus lines the intestinal walls and if it continues to grow will penetrate the intestinal membranes and spread through the rest of the body.

Treatment For Intestinal Yeast Infection

Garlic is known to be effective in alleviating yeast infections due to its anti-fungal properties. The sulfur compounds contained in garlic help to combat overgrowth of yeast. Incorporate garlic into the diet in order to prevent yeast infections. Berberine is another anti-fungal agent that helps in the treatment of yeast infections. Another home remedy for treating yeast infections is colloidal silver. This helps to destroy candida albicans and other fungi as well. The intestinal tract may also be cleansed through reduction of the candida levels. This can be achieved through diet supplementation. Intake of probiotic supplements help to restore the balance of good bacteria and also encourage proper digestion. Yogurt is known to contain live and active cultures which help in introducing friendly bacteria in the intestinal tract.

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