Leg And Muscle Cramps Causes | Foot Cramp Cure

Leg cramps, when they are a chronic problem, can be extremely painful, not to mention worrying and disruptive. Most of us experience cramps at some time or the other, and an occasional episode of cramps is nothing to worry about. However, if you suffer from leg cramps on a regular basis, you need to identify the cause, and treat the problem accordingly, as soon as possible.

  • In many cases, leg cramps are simply the result of overexertion of the leg muscles.

  • The immediate cause here is overexertion, but there is usually and underlying cause too, such as dehydration or skipping warm up exercises.

  • If you jump straight into any strenuous activity, without slowly warming up your muscles, there is a good chance that you will develop cramps. You should therefore always spend a few minutes warming up before you start your exercise or any other vigorous activity, and preferably spend a few minutes doing similar “warm up exercises” at the end too, so that your muscles do not cool down and stiffen rapidly.

  • You should also ensure that you drink enough water, as fluid loss can cause muscles to cramp.

  • Sometimes of course the muscle may simply be injured, which may cause it to cramp. In this case, it is very important to rest the muscle, and get medical attention as soon as possible, in case the injury is severe.

  • Sometimes, medications that you are taking may also make you predisposed to cramping. If there seems to be a link between the cramps and the start of a new medication, you should ask your doctor about the side effects, and whether there is any way to avoid them, or even if there is a substitute drug.

  • Some nutritional deficiencies are also known to cause cramps – these are deficiencies in the minerals magnesium and calcium, and in some cases, potassium and sodium too. This is not easy to identify, and your doctor will be able to help you by examining your medical history, diet, and any other symptoms that may be present. Sometimes, these underlying causes can lead to what are known as “night cramps”, where cramps occur only when the body is resting.

Unfortunately, treatment options for leg crams are limited, and the best course of action is prevention. Whenever cramps do occur, the best thing for you to do is stretch your leg very slowly and gently, and if necessary, apply a warm compress.

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