Spinach Health Benefits - Spinach Nutrition Facts For Better Health

Health Benefits Of Spinach

Spinach is a green leafy vegetable that possesses a variety of health benefits and helps prevent conditions like diseases of the heart, colon cancer, arthritis and osteoporosis. It maintains good eye sight, keeps blood pressure steady, protects the skin from damage, and is important for young mothers as it contributes to the healthy development of the foetus and the child as s/he grows. Spinach is an important part of one’s daily diet as it is rich in a variety of vitamins, phytonutirents, pigments and minerals. It contains potassium, zinc, iron, manganese and calcium.

The Vitamin A and Vitamin C present in it reduce chances of heart disease as they prevent cholesterol from being oxidised. It is also rich in Vitamin K which aids in the production of the substance required to help blood clot in case of injury. The calcium that it provides the body helps strengthen the bones and assists in the process of producing blood which occurs in the bone marrow. Spinach is known to reduce incidence of prostate cancer because of the presence of a compound known as carotenoid. The presence of a chemical known as kaemferol in spinach can help in preventing ovarian cancer to some extent. The minimal amounts of sodium and high levels of potassium in spinach control blood pressure while the folate present in it relaxes the blood vessels and allows the blood to flow properly. It works as an anti-ulcerative as it protects the mucous lining of the stomach, thus reducing chances of gastric ulcers. Since it contains a number of phytonutrients and pigments, it helps repair damaged skin and protects the body from the harmful UV rays of the sun. However, this does not mean that one should stop taking adequate protective measures like using sunscreen and wearing a hat when going out in the sun. The presence of iron in cooked spinach is especially beneficial for pregnant women, young children and menstruating women. It is believed to keep one’s memory sharp and fights break downs related to advancing age. For those suffering from diabetes, the magnesium present in it keeps complications that may arise at bay. One of the best ways to consume spinach is to have it raw as part of your daily intake of salad. But they will have to be washed thoroughly and soaked in water to which a spoon of salt has been added in order to neutralize the presence of pesticides if any.

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