Tonsils Infection – Natural Remedies To Treat Tonsillitis Symptoms

Tonsils are small organs found on both the sides of the throat. These almond-shaped organs are believed to fight any harmful germs that may enter the body, through the mouth, throat or nose. However, very often, the tonsils get infected, while fighting the germs. The infection of the tonsils is known as tonsillitis. This condition is quite common, especially in young children. The symptoms of tonsillitis are - fever, sore throat, headache, difficulty in swallowing, weakness and body ache. When the mouth is wide-open, the tonsils appear red and inflamed. In cases of severe infection, you may also see pus exude from the tonsils. In such cases, the patient suffering from tonsillitis may be asked to fast for a few days, to allow the serious symptoms to subside. During this time, the patient should drink only water and orange juice. Once the acute symptoms abate, the patient can be asked to go on a fruit diet, for about four days. Even after going on a normal diet, a person who has recently suffered from tonsillitis should stay away from fried food, condiments, spices, yoghurt and buttermilk, as they may irritate the throat. Given below, are a few natural cures and home remedies that may help in the quick recovery from tonsillitis:

Natural Remedies For Tonsils Infection

  • Milk is a very helpful in the treatment of tonsillitis. A person suffering from tonsillitis should drink pure, boiled milk, to which a pinch of pepper powder and turmeric powder has been added. This concoction should be consumed for three nights continuously, for best results.

  • Lime is very effective in treating acute tonsillitis. Squeeze a fresh lime, into a glass of lukewarm water. Add ¼ teaspoon of salt and four teaspoons of honey to it and have the patient sip the drink slowly.

  • The juices of certain vegetables like beetroot, carrots and cucumbers are very beneficial, whether consumed individually, or in a combination. If the juices need to be combined, the recommended proportion is: beetroot juice – 100 ml, carrot juice – 300 ml and cucumber juice – 100 ml.

  • Gargling is very important in tonsillitis and a gargle-solution, made using fenugreek seeds is extremely effective. In order to make the gargle-solution, simmer 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in a liter of water and allow them to simmer for about half and hour, before cooling it for about an hour or so. Use the entire quantity for gargling, on the same day, for beneficial results.

In addition to these remedies, the application of a cold pack to the throat, every two hours, throughout the day, as well as a hot Epsom salt bath taken everyday or every alternate day can be every effective.

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