Baby Yeast Infections – Preventive Steps And Natural Treatments

Treatment For Baby Yeast Infection

A yeast infection in babies is unlike a diaper rash and involves red rashes that are flat but with scalloped edges. The rashes may spread from the pubic area to the child’s abdomen and tiny red rashes may surround the larger ones. Medically termed Candidas Albican, only the child’s paediatrician will be able to tell you whether the thrush in the child’s mouth or the rash in the groin region actually points to an yeast infection or not. Amongst the high risk categories for this infection are babies who are on antibiotics as the medicine kills of the good bacteria in the body as well. This prevents the good bacteria from keeping the yeast already present in the body in check. It is important to not confuse the child’s condition with an ordinary diaper rash. However, the diaper rash cream would help to provide temporary relief from the inflammation and itching even though it may not heal the condition. Give the child a warm water bath twice a day and dab gently to dry the child especially around the groin and abdominal region. Change the child’s diaper twice or thrice a day and make sure that the area is clean and dry each time. This is because the bacteria thrive in moist environments and any remaining faecal matter or faeces that have not been cleaned immediately can irritate the skin and cause the rash. It would be advisable to tie it a little loose to allow air to pass through. Instead of using regular diapers, you can use cotton cloth that has been washed and sterilized in boiled water. This will allow the child’s skin to breath and will let her/him be more comfortable although it does mean more work for the parents, washing the soiled cloth. Yeast infections are contagious and it would be best to not put the child in day care till it clears up completely lest the other children catch it as well. Aloe is sometimes recommended to clear up the infection as are wet chamomile tea bags. Diaper creams that have tea tree oil as an ingredient are sometimes recommended and even if it may not clear up the rash completely, it will provide some relief to the baby. If the child is suffering from oral thrush, bottle tops and soothers will have to be sanitized or sterilized by boiling them in water for at least ten minutes. In case the infection is accompanied by fever, you must consult the paediatrician immediately.

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