Chicken Pox Home Treatment | Chicknpox Scars Removal

Chicken pox, medically termed varicella, is one of those things that afflict us at least once in our lifetime. Children below 10 years of age are more prone to getting chicken pox, especially because of constant wrong feeding which weakens the immune system. Though it affects almost every one of us, it’s more likely to afflict those with a weak immune system, especially if one comes in contact with someone else’s infection, either by touching the fluid oozing from their blisters or using their clothes and towels. The first symptom of chicken pox is mild temperature, headache and weakness.
Two days later, red blisters develop mostly on chest and upper back and then they break into scabs, which eventually fall off. It takes about 2-3 weeks to get rid of chicken pox completely. The biggest problem with chicken pox is the itching that follows. Especially when it affects children, they find it difficult to resist scratching, which may result in serious infections. If you have an infection, eat healthy to make your immune system strong. For the first three days, one can consume only fruit juices and vegetable juices (especially lemon juice) or go on an all fruit and vegetable diet for a few days.

Natural Remedies For Chicken Pox

There are many natural remedies to relieve the irritation that chicken pox causes.
  • Baking soda and water is one of the remedies for chicken pox. If you mix half teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and give the infected person a sponge bath with this mix, it will dry the scabs quicker and decrease the itching.

  • Similarly, water drained from cooking green peas can be used for a sponge bath to make the scabs and scars disappear.

  • Pure honey when applied on the scars will get rid of them within three days.

  • Applying Vitamin E oil on the scars also makes them disappear very easily.

  • You can also bring comfort to your skin and get rid of itching by adding half a cup of brown vinegar mixed in bath water.

  • Oatmeal bath is also another good remedy. For this, boil two cups of oatmeal in two liters of water for 15 minutes. Put the mixture into a cotton bag, tie the mouth and dip into the bathtub and have your child bathe in it. The oatmeal seeping into the water will bring relief when in contact with the skin.

  • You can also have the infected person relax in the night by giving him herbal tea containing chamomile, cinnamon, basil, honey, and lemon.

  • Lukewarm water mixed with margosa leaves also give relief.

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