Health Benefits Of Apples – What Make Apple So Beneficial For You

Nutritional Benefits OF Apple

Apples have many nutritional benefits that are beneficial for the overall health of human beings. Many studies have highlighted the various health benefits of apples. It has been found that a flavonoid known as phloridzin is contained in apples, which may help to protect women past the menopausal age from osteoporosis. Bone density is also known to increase on account of this flavonoid. Moreover, apples contain boron which helps in strengthening the bones. A study has also shown that asthmatic children who consumed apple juice regularly were in better shape than the others. The pectin contained in apples helps to lower LDL cholesterol by binding with the cholesterol and fat before they are absorbed by the body. Quercetin present in apples also helps to prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Since quercetin protects cells from oxygen damage, the cellular changes that contribute to cancer could also be prevented.

Apples contain phytonutrients which work as antioxidants and help to keep the heart functioning well. The flavonoids help to prevent inflammation and also keep the blood platelets from accumulating in clumps. This helps to reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis, heart problems and stroke. Those with diabetes benefit from eating apples on a regular basis. Pectin provides the body with galaturonic acid which reduces the need for insulin. Apples also have a low glycemic index and hence they do not trigger a sugar high followed by a crash, like other sugary foods. Apples are acidic in nature and this helps in maintaining dental hygiene and good breath. The fiber contained in apples helps to clean the teeth and the antiviral agents help to keep germs away from the mouth. Apples, being fiber-rich, also help in good digestion and proper bowel movements. Studies have also shown that consumption of apple juice may help to protect from Alzheimer‘s disease.

Much of the benefits of apples come from the skin, and hence they provide the maximum nourishment when eaten whole. However, it is important to wash them carefully before consuming. Apples are generally covered by an artificial coating during shipping. This may be removed with warm water before consumption. When eating an apple, it is important to chew thoroughly so that the nutritional components may be extracted easily by the digestive enzymes as it passes through the digestive tract. Many prefer organic apples to regular ones as they are free from traces of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Apples must form a part of the daily diet.

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