Health Benefits Of Cucumber – Nutritional Value Of Juice And Peels

Cucumber Health Benefits

Cucumber has for centuries been considered an important health food while today it is more popular as a soothing element in lotions. It belongs to the same family as zucchini, squashes and pumpkins and are primarily of two varieties: the slicing kind and the pickle variety. Every hundred grams of cucumber contains Vitamin A (178 I U), Vitamin C (9 mg), traces of niacin, carbohydrates, calcium (30 mg), potassium (77 mg), phosphorous (27 mg) and iron (1.7 mg). Cucumbers are widely used in the preparation of salads and sandwiches or even as appetizers before meals. Like every other vegetable, cucumbers have to be washed thoroughly before use. Soak it in water to which a little salt has been added and unless it has been waxed, it need not be peeled. In fact, the peel is a rich source of fibre and can help in bowel movement.

Cucumber functions as an excellent diuretic and like water melons, aid in the secretion and easy flow of urine. Recent research suggests that cucumber also aids in conditions such as liver disease, diseases of the urinary tract, bladder, kidney and pancreatic disease. An enzyme that cucumber contains called erepsin aids in the breakdown of and easy digestion of protein. Some people who have an excessive amount of uric acid in their bodies tend to develop rheumatism and a concoction of cucumber juice along with carrot juice is known to prove beneficial for the condition. Since it contains a high amount of potassium, it is useful for those suffering from both high and low blood pressure. Its juice is considered efficient in treating pyorrhoea, and in cases of diseased teeth and gums. For those prone to frequent splitting of dinger nails and toenails, the high amount of minerals present in it is likely to help. The silica present in cucumber is a trace mineral that strengthens the connective tissue in the body. It contains substantial amounts of caffeic and ascorbic acid which prevent water retention.

The peel must not be thrown away, rather it should be retained to use on hands that have spent hours washing dishes with strong detergent and hot water. Mashed cucumber can be applied onto the face as a pack for glowing skin while thin slices can be placed on top of the eyes to lessen and occasionally even erase dark circles. When topically applied, they are known to provide relief for burns, swollen eyes and minor skin conditions

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