Home Remedies For Bursitis Treatment

Bursitis is a condition in which a person suffers pain in the body joints, which hampers normal movement. The disease derives its name from “bursa”, which is the technical name for the sacs filled with a lubricating fluid that ensures easy bodily movement. When these sacs swell up, friction occurs between the bones and the tendons at the joints, causing mild to severe pain and hampering movement. Sometimes, the pain is accompanied by stiffness in the joints and redness and a burning sensation on surface of the affected area. Normal wear and tear of bone tissue, as well as related bone ailments like arthritis and gout, can cause bursitis. Bursitis mostly affects ankles, knees, hips and shoulders.

Natural Remedies For Bursitis Pain Relief

A few simple dietary measures may be adopted to prevent bursitis.

  • It is primarily because of the lack of calcium and magnesium in the diet that bones weaken and lead to joint pains. Thus, eating food rich in these essential nutrients, like raw, leafy vegetables, and milk and milk products, is an effective way of countering bursitis.

  • Drinking a glass of water mixed with apple cider vinegar and honey every morning also helps.

  • You could also soak some mashed potato in a bowl of water overnight, and drink the strained water the next morning on an empty stomach. This supplies vitamin B12 to the body, which plays a crucial role in reducing swelling and pain in joints.

  • Applying an ice pack on the affected region three to four times a day helps reduce inflammation.

  • A mixture of cayenne pepper and apple cider vinegar can also be used for external application.

  • Massaging the joints with warm olive oil or with sandalwood paste are other popular remedies for joint pains.

  • Adding lavender oil to your bath water is also known to help.

  • Using turmeric powder in cooked food is also supposed to lessen joint-ache.

  • Vitamin C aids the body in recovering from injury and is therefore especially helpful in healing weak and corroded joints. Drinking a glass of orange juice is a simple way of nourishing the body with this essential vitamin.

  • Pineapple contains an enzyme that helps relieve pain and reduce inflammation, so drink a glass of its juice every day.

  • Drinking sea water also helps, but only if you do not have high blood pressure.

  • Massaging the joints with warm olive oil or sandalwood paste reduces pain.

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