Home Remedies For Canker Sores Treatment

When you have canker sores, you will notice that you have small boils around your mouth and sometimes even on your lip. A canker sore starts as a tingling sensation that you may experience around your mouth. It is only after this that the first little bumps appear. These can only be felt as small bumps. In a day or so they grow bigger and change color. They may either become white or reddish white. You become truly conscious of them because they hurt when any particle of food touches his lips. Although canker sores can affect almost any body, you will find that more women are likely to suffer from canker sores than women. Canker sores could be caused due to stress that you may be felling, or else malnutrition. Women also develop these in keeping with their menstrual cycle.

Get Rid Of Canker Sores In Mouth Naturally

  • An easy remedy involves mixing a pinch of baking powder with some water and dabbing at the sores.

  • Some people find that a certain ingredient in toothpastes, known as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate actually causes the development of the sores. If you suffer from canker sores on a regular basis, then should consider changing your toothpaste.

  • You may also find that canker sores actually develop n reaction to some allergy that you are suffering from. You should keep a note of what you eat, especially during the time when the sores appear.

  • You should also avoid eating food that is spicy since this could be the reason for your canker sores.

  • In addition to this you should also drink lots more water. This will help the pain come down.

  • You can also use a used tea bag on your canker sores. This will help reduce the pain.

  • If the canker sores hurt very badly you can tie up a handful of ice cubes in a handkerchief and hold it against the sores. This will give immediate relief.

  • You can also try and effective and painless remedy. Slit the leaf of an Aloe Vera plant and extract the sap. Mix this with water and use this to rinse your mouth out during the day. You will find that the canker sores have disappeared.

  • You will find that applying a raw onion to the canker sores can reduce the intensity of the sores.

  • Sucking on and chewing on papaya tablets too will help reduce the canker sores.

  • You can use fresh plum juice as a remedy to the canker sores. You can simply rinse out your mouth with fresh plum juice.

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