Ingrown Toenail Remedy – Soaking Methods To Heal Infected Fingernail

What Causes Ingrown Toenail And Infection

The problem of an ingrown toe nail is a fairly common one and affects people from various walks of life. This condition is medically defined as onychocryptosis. The person who gets an ingrown toe nail is usually in a lot of pain and also a lot of discomfort. This condition mainly affects people’s toenails, but there are instances of people suffering from ingrown nails on the fingers too. The commonest reason for this particular condition is an individual wearing some kind of footwear that is not comfortable. Uncomfortable footwear can cause a person’s toes to be cramped in the shoes or boots and thus when the toe nails begin to increase they tend to start cutting into the skin and flesh that is surrounding the toe nail. Further this particular problem of an ingrown toe nail can then develop an infection and become even more painful and uncomfortable. Sometimes this condition of ingrown nail can also occur when people cut their nails or trim them too short. Other reasons for this condition occurring is when people injure their toes or stub them against some hard objects. Similarly if a particularly heavy object drops on one’s toes it can injure the toe and cause this problem of ingrown toe nail.

Remedies For Ingrown Toenail

There are various ways one can try to reduce this problem. The first start is to start by trimming one’s nails regularly and filing them straight across. When cutting or trimming the nails, use appropriate nail cutters and filers. When the nails start to grow again, one should immediately trim them. If the nail indicates a tendency to start tearing the surrounding flesh, then one should cut these corners. Try soaking your feet in a solution of Epsom salts every night before going to bed. Also walking around in a clean and safe environment bare feet is highly recommended for reducing the chances of this condition occurring. One can try giving oneself a pedicure often to maintain the hygiene of one’s feet. Also always make sure that all the implements used on the feet are clean and sterile. One should use a nail file to help in getting rid of all the sharp corners on one’s nails. If the nails show signs of changing colors then one should check and see if an infection has set in. this could be the onset of a fungal infection and can lead to further discomfort and pain being caused.

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