Low Blood Pressure Causes | Hypotension Prevention

Low blood pressure (hypotension) is not a disease but rather a physiological state or condition. When the heart cannot pump enough blood through arteries, the pressure dips below 120/70, failing to deliver enough oxygen and nutrients to vital organs like the heart, the brain, and kidneys.

What Causes Low Blood Pressure?

  • When the system is weakened or devitalized, which, in turn, is caused by malnutrition or a faulty diet; if one’s diet lacks enough calories, proteins, Vitamin C or Vitamin B (particularly B12), it causes anemia, which means that our body isn’t producing enough red blood cells. Close to malnutrition comes dehydration as a reason for low blood pressure.

  • When the loss of water is more than the intake it causes weakness, lightheadedness and exhaustion. So strenuous exercise, fever, vomiting, and diarrhea can dehydrate the body causing your blood pressure to dip.

  • Apart from that, there are other reasons like a hemorrhage or excessive loss of blood because of intense injury or surgery.

  • However, emotional problems are sometimes also the reason for low blood pressure. If one has been frustrated or disappointed about something over a long period of time, the blood pressure drops down to an abnormal level.

  • Medication is also one of the reasons for low pressure, largely diuretics and drugs for high blood pressure, heart ailments, Parkinson's disease, antidepressants. If these are taken in combination with alcohol, there are more chances of low blood pressure.

  • There are some ailments themselves that are responsible for low blood pressure. Heart conditions like a heart attack or failure, low heart rate, heart valve problems prevent the body from being able to circulate enough blood and cause low blood pressure.

  • Another ailment that causes low blood pressure is hypothyroidism, as do low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and diabetes.

  • In extreme cases, when an infection enters the bloodstream, it causes septicemia or severe infection that can lead to death, also called septic shock. Septicemia can be caused by lung, abdomen or urinary tract infections.

How To Prevent Low Blood Pressure

  • If you take care of your nutrition and include Vitamins C and B in your diet, do light exercises like walking, swimming and cycling regularly, avoid worry, overwork and do everything in moderation, the risk of low blood pressure would be significantly reduced.

  • Also consume a cup of raw beetroot juice twice everyday. This will save you from anemia.

  • And if you do have low blood pressure, eat salty foods and have water with half a teaspoon of salt everyday.

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