Vaginal Yeast Infection And Treatment – Prevention Of Candidiasis

Vaginal Yeast Infection Causes

A vaginal yeast infection is a common disorder caused by the fungus Candida albicans. A vaginal yeast infection or candidiasis can cause a great deal of discomfort and should be treated immediately. Candida albicans is a common fungus that is present in small amounts in the mouth, vagina, skin and the digestive tract. Most often, this fungus does not cause any disorders. However, on account of several factors, the percentage of Candida albicans in the vagina increases, thereby causing a vaginal yeast infection. These factors include a lowering of immunity on account of other infections, broad spectrum antibiotics used to treat other infections, diabetes, obesity and sometimes pregnancy also contributes to the increase in the level of Candida albicans in the vagina. Vaginal yeast infections are characterized by a constant itching sensation in the vagina, redness and itchiness of the vulva, a fishy or unpleasant odor, excessive and discolored discharge, vaginal cramps and a frequent sensation to urinate, pain during sexual intercourse and painful urination. Contact your doctor immediately if you have been suffering from a vaginal yeast infection to help treat it immediately. Your doctor may prescribe vaginal suppositories, antibiotics and creams to help treat the infection after performing a physical exam.

Treatment And Prevention For Vaginal Infection

In addition, there are several simple health tips you should keep in mind to help prevent vaginal yeast infections and to help control its symptoms. Most fungal infections thrive in moist areas and it is thus important to keep the area clean and dry. Wash the area regularly using warm water and avoid using soap as it could be too harsh and may cause skin irritation. After washing, dry the area completely and ensure that it stays dry by wearing loose-fitting clothing made of comfortable materials like cotton. Avoid wearing synthetic underwear and clothes as this tends to trap sweat, moisture and as a result bacteria, thus worsening the infection. Cotton fabrics are comfortable and airy and help control symptoms like itching and inflammation. Ensure that you wash your clothes in detergent that is mild and not heavily perfumed. Very strong detergents and soaps with strong perfumes can cause skin irritation and aggravate the symptoms of vaginal yeast infections. Avoid using feminine hygiene powders, sprays and douches as these may aggravate symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection. Use sanitary pads instead of tampons if you suffer from vaginal yeast infections. If your symptoms do not respond to medication or continue to recur then you should contact your doctor immediately.

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