Yeast Infection On Tongue – How To Keep Oral Infection At Bay

Symptoms For Tongue Yeast Infection

Tongue yeast infection or thrush is caused by a build of fungus inside the mouth resulting in whitish sores that are not only painful, but may bleed as well. Apart from these lesions and rashes, a white thick deposit is likely to coat the mouth, throat and sometimes even the lips. It can spread to the oesophagus if not treated in time, making it difficult to swallow. Little children and babies are liable to develop this condition due to the excessive intake of sugar if they are on formula. Tongue yeast infection can also be a symptom of more serious conditions like AIDS, cancer, diabetes and may occur in people who are suffering from vaginal yeast infections. A weakened immune system will allow the rapid growth of yeast in the body and the good bacteria may not be strong enough to keep it in check. This condition is known to develop after an illness when the body is at its weakest or when the person has just completed a dose of antibiotics.

Home Treatment For Tongue Yeast Infection

The best remedy for to keep the infection at bay and to cure it once infected is to consume large amounts of plain unflavoured and sugar free yoghurt throughout the day. Take several plantain seeds and soak it overnight in water. The gel like substance formed can be applied on the tongue for a week and will help clear up the infection. Garlic possesses anti-fungal properties and works as a natural antibiotic that does not weaken the immune system. Consume a few cloves of garlic raw for a few days or add liberally while cooking your food. You can prepare an effective mouth wash for this condition out of a few drops of tea tree oil in a glass of warm water. Use the mixture to gargle and continue the treatment twice a day until the infection clears up completely. You can also add a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle. It is important to quit smoking and consuming alcohol as it can aggravate the condition. Avoid fermented food, chocolates, sugar rich food and oats and wheat. Include food that is rich in protein in your diet, particularly chicken, eggs, fish, lean meat as well as rice, millet, herbs and fresh vegetables and fruits. Brush your teeth twice a day and if possible after every meal to take out the food particles that may have got stuck there and floss at least once a day.

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