Causes Of High Blood Pressure | Hypertension Treatment
High blood pressure, technically known as hypertension, is an ailment in which the force with which the heart pumps blood is higher than the optimum limit. A reading of 140/90 or above is generally considered to mark high blood pressure. High blood pressure is often caused by the clogging of arteries and capillaries by deposits of excess cholesterol in the bloodstream. This creates an unhealthy amount of pressure on the heart, weakens its muscles over time and can ultimately lead to cardiac arrest. Though high blood pressure is often hereditary in nature, certain lifestyle imbalances are also greatly responsible for triggering and exacerbating this condition. Obesity is one of the chief reasons for high blood pressure. Excessive consumption of tobacco also leads to hypertension. Eating food rich in fat and sugar content also raises the level of cholesterol in the bloodstream and causes the clogging of arteries, which ultimately results in high blood pressure. Stress and erratic eating and sleeping pattern can also cause high blood pressure.
You may also follow a few simple home remedies to treat hypertension.
Besides these remedies, in order to treat high blood pressure, you should follow a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Home Remedies To Treat High Blood Pressure
You may also follow a few simple home remedies to treat hypertension.
- Drink a mixture of a tablespoon each of the juice of Indian gooseberry and honey every morning.
- Eating a watermelon a breakfast is also an effective natural means of controlling blood pressure.
- Alternatively, you may also eat a fresh papaya every morning on an empty stomach to treat high blood pressure.
- Another popular home remedy for hypertension is to eat a few cloves of garlic during every meal. Garlic is known to regulate the pulse rate and keep the arteries in good condition and thereby prevent hypertension.
- Eating lemons and grapefruits is also known to regulate blood pressure, as both are natural sources of vitamin P, which plays a crucial role in toning up the walls of the arteries and capillaries.
Diet Tips For Hypertension
Besides these remedies, in order to treat high blood pressure, you should follow a healthy diet and lifestyle.
- Avoid excessive smoking and consumption of alcohol, and eat fruits and raw vegetables instead of processed foods. This will keep your blood cholesterol level in check.
- Eating too much salt is also known to cause high blood pressure as it increases the fluid retention capacity of blood, so use a minimum amount of salt while cooking and stay away from salted snacks.
- You should also follow a regular exercise regime to ensure proper blood circulation and maintain an optimum body weight.