Health Benefits Of Blueberries – Medicinal Values Of Blueberries For Human Body

Blueberries Medicinal Values For Health

Blueberry is a flowering plant that belongs to the family of vaccinum, which also include other berries like cranberry and bilberry. Under this family there are two well known types of the blueberry. The first one is the wild blueberry, scientifically known as vaccinium angustifolium and the second one is the vaccinium corymbosum which is commonly referred to as the cultivated blueberry. These flowering plants are mainly native to the Northern part of America and are a great source of nutrients. Blueberries are not only tasty to eat but also hold some health benefits. Researches and studies show that these fruits play a major part in lowering the risk factors of cancer, enhancing memory or even achieving the optimal that so many strive for. Out of all the fruits, blueberries contain the maximum amount of anti oxidants which help to keep the immune system strong and prevent infections such as small pox or any viral infections. These anti oxidants help in reducing risks of heart diseases and even cancer. They also help in reducing a lot of complications in the urinary tract. Blueberries contain high levels of anthocyanins, and it is these flavonoid pigments that help in the slowing down of aging, protection of the heart and prevention of mental disorders. These are just some of the many health benefits of blueberries.

Blueberries contain salicylic acid which is put to medicinal use in the making of aspirin. And it is because of this very reason that they can also prevent heart attacks and help in the reduction of any kind of swelling or inflammation in the blood vessels. Keeping a healthy diet in mind, blueberries are high in fiber which help in the digestion of food and help keeping people fuller for a longer time which in turn reduces the amount of the mindless eating of snacks. Apart from this, blueberries help you to keep fit, sharp and active as they are very good anti depressants. The most important part of the process is to choose the best blueberries from the lot. It is important to keep in mind that they need to be firm and have a dark hue for anyone to be certain of the berries being rich in nutrition. While choosing blueberries one needs to see if the berries are moist free since the presence of water can cause the berries to decay. Moreover one should remember, the deeper the color of the blue berries, the richer they are in the level of anti oxidants and other medicinal values.

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