Health Benefits Of Chocolate – What Kinds Of Chocolates Are Good For You
Benefits Of Chocolate For Your Health
Chocolate has numerous health benefits whose full value can be utilized in your everyday diet if you follow a few tips on eating chocolate. Firstly, it is important to remember that while it is healthy to eat chocolate, it is also important to exercise caution with regard to how much and what kind of chocolate to eat. Chocolate is very high in calories and can be detrimental to your health if it is not incorporated with care into your diet. Chocolates are rich in cacao, which is very healthy for you. Cacao contains several antibacterial agents that help fight tooth decay. Chocolate has also been found to help people relax by increasing theta brain waves. Theta brain waves are stimulated by the smell of chocolate and help a person relax after periods of stress. In addition, chocolates contain mood elevators like phenyl ethylamine. Chocolate contains cocoa butter, which helps raise good cholesterol in the body. Cocoa butter contains oleic acid, which is a mono-unsaturated fat that helps raise good cholesterol. Chocolate is also high in flavonoids and this helps keep blood vessels elastic. In addition, these flavonoids act as antioxidants that protect the body from damage done by free radicals. Flavoinoid content makes chocolate a heart-healthy food, in addition to protecting the body from aging. To derive the maximum health benefits from chocolate however, it is important to eat the right kinds of chocolate.
Better Kinds Of Chocolate For Your Health
Dark chocolate is a healthier option compared to white chocolate and milk chocolate because of its high cacao content. Milk chocolate tends to be higher in calorie and sugar content and is thus not a healthy option for you. Dark chocolate has been proven to be a great heart-healthy food. Eating a small bar of dark chocolate everyday can help reduce blood pressure. In addition, dark chocolate helps lower LDL cholesterol by ten percent. If you suffer from heart disorders, it is thus beneficial to increase your consumption of dark chocolate to keep your heart and cardiovascular system functioning well. You can incorporate chocolate in your everyday diet with the help of the following tips. Firstly, ensure that your intake of chocolate is limited to a bar (about 100 grams) of dark chocolate everyday. Avoid white chocolate and milk chocolate as they are high in calories. Try and balance your calorie intake through chocolates by cutting out other high calorie sweets and snacks in your everyday diet. This can help you keep your calorie intake the same.