Home Remedies For Ear Infections And Earache

Ear infection is caused by the invasion of bacteria or fungal growth and is of two major types: otitis media and otitis externa, that is, infection of the middle ear and of the outer ear. Commonly, infections in the ear cause an obstruction in the Eustachian tube, which equalizes air pressure on both sides of the eardrum, and cause pain. The most common symptoms of ear infection are pain, itching and inflammation in the ear, occasional discharge from the ear and problems in hearing. Less commonly, slight dizziness and rise in body temperature may also signal ear infection. Accumulation of dirt and water inside the ear make it prone to infections. Exposure to allergens can also sometimes cause ear infections.

Natural Remedies For Earache Relief

Besides keeping the ears clean and dry all the time by using ear buds, you can follow a few simple home remedies to treat ear infections.

  • Extract the juice of a few cloves of garlic by crushing them and pour 2 or 3 drops of it into the infected ear. Lie sideways with the infected eat facing the roof so that the juice trickles into the ear properly and kills the germs that cause infection.

  • You can follow the same process with the juice of basil leaves or of ginger, as these too have antibacterial properties.

  • For a similar remedy, crush a few mango leaves till the juice oozes out of them and heat the juice gently for a few minutes. Then use a dropper to pour a few drops of the juice into the ear. This relives earache and cures infection.

  • Another popular remedy is to apply a few drops of olive oil inside the infected ear, leave it on for a while and then clean the ear with a cotton bud. This effectively cleanses the ear of the dirt and earwax that may be causing obstruction in the Eustachian tube.

  • You may also use colloidal silver solution to wash your ear, as this is a natural antibiotic that prevents and cures infections.

  • You may also use lobelia extract as an eardrop to treat infection.

  • Place a few slices of onion in the folds of a warm pad and apply it externally on the infected to relieve pain.

  • Avoid milk, cold drinks and ice creams as they worsen earache.

  • Stay away from butter and oily food, as act as irritants for the already infected ear.

  • Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet as they supply vitamins, minerals and zinc to your body, which naturally strengthen your immune system.

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